3 September 2015

Listen Up

Truly. Listen to everyone you meet- let their words trickle into your thoughts and stay there for a while. 

I don't believe that people are fully good or fully bad. Even those who we look up to most have their flaws, and those that we despise have words of wisdom waiting to be found. The world's worst criminals have elaborate schemes and understandings, just as some of the most respected people keep secrets hidden from society.

I try to learn something from everyone I meet. I truly believe that everyone has a story waiting to be told- whether it be something philosophical or not, it is something we must discover through listening to what they have to say.

Sadly, we are very caught up in what has been classified as "the like and share generation", which seems quite accurate. I have to remind myself to put down my phone and listen to the people around me rather than always being focused on trying to connect to people in another time and place. This is where we find things that have been manufactured to become believable and acceptable to us. We depend on the approval of others and find satisfaction in knowing that we are accepted by peers. I don't think this is necessarily wrong- it is simply human nature. I wonder if we would find more joy in life if we learned to steer ourselves more by our own directions rather than following the paths of others.

This is where listening comes in- filtering the good and the bad. This is where we find our independence. Don't block out the "bad" people simply because you think they are bad... Use the things that they can teach you as a tool to prevent you from making the same errors. Some of the best lessons I have learned came from people that no longer have a place in my life. People can add to your life without needing to be a part of it. Next time you are in an uncomfortable situation, or around someone who makes you uncomfortable, rather than tuning out, tune in and consider what you could be learning.

I enjoy school but I accredit more of my understanding about the world to the people around me- my family, friends and peers. I have always been more interested in what people have to say and how their perspective differs from the person beside them. I think it is important to develop your own understanding through filtering the thoughts and beliefs of others. I used to believe that I was inconsistent in what I believed, but I see now that I am constantly learning and expanding that knowledge. You shouldn't be afraid to change your understanding- it simply means that you are growing.

When someone speaks to you, listen. Look them in the eye and smile. Ask them questions. The world is losing it's human touch- we rely more and more on the internet to fulfill our need for contact. Write a letter when you can, and mail it. Invite your grandma out for lunch more, and remember that our grandparents are the last generation that understands how the world turned before the new age took control. It's important to understand this-they are the realest people we know. They don't make them like that anymore. Try to tune out of social media and tune into the real world around you, the one that is happening in this moment. Don't miss out. Life is so much better when your fingertips are in someone's hand and not on your mobile.

- K

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