5 October 2015

Lend a Hand (On Your Way Up)

We all want to stand out.

The world is so incredibly different than it once was. Having a university degree, for example, does not guarantee a good career in the way that it once did. In order to compete with every other person whom has similar qualifications, you must find a way to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack.

I have never believed that my ideas would remain consistent. We are continuously evolving in everything including how we understand and perceive the world around us. Each day we are challenged with how we will handle the new information that is thrown at us. I know that I have been very wrong in the past and that I will continue to be wrong in my thinking. I think that personal growth is something that should be celebrated, and we should not fear speaking out simply because we are afraid for being judged on our past beliefs. 
All of the knowledge in the world was only discovered because someone decided to go for it 
& they got it wrong, time and time again, and then eventually- after an incredible amount of research and study, a theory was developed. And even after that theory was published... it was likely proven wrong. If it wasn't proved wrong, there are probably people today who are trying to find a reason why it should be! It is only natural for people to question everything and try to pick it apart- after all, this is how things improve. Don't be afraid to think outside the box. Criticism is everywhere. 

It took me a lot of bravery to begin this blog, because I was worried what others might have to say. I was worried that I would risk missing opportunities, such as jobs from future employers who might read it and dislike the way that I choose to express my ideas.

I don't desire any power except the power to have a strong positive influence on the lives of others in such a way that it improves their quality of life. 
I have no intention to save the human race, but I do want to create this idea that people are kind at heart, because I have seen the effects that this kind of thinking can have. Seeing is believing, and believing makes me feel happy and passionate about creating that kind of belief in others.

Quality > Quantity. Always. 

In today's world some people are so focused on money and power that they actually believe in money more than they believe in the human spirit. Money talks, and it truly allows us to get nearly anything we want. However, people seem to forget that the person on the other end of the deal is in fact, a person. We have lost touch with what it means to have meaningful relationships with the people in our lives. Technology has truly changed the way we communicate, and with it has come the sacrifice of simplicity.

Arlene Dickinson really nailed it when she said, "Be the person who instigates meaningful conversations and then listens for diverse opinions to learn from."
If you invest in relationships with others, not only will you benefit from the emotional aspects of said relationship, you will likely be more successful in your business goals, too. Not to mention, the more people you surround yourself with, the more opportunity you have for personal growth. Every single person on this planet knows someone, who knows someone, who can help you move upwards in that pyramid you have been trying so desperately to climb. 

So kindly ask for a hand up and give someone else a hand, too. 

People rush to climb higher and higher and are willing to do outrageous, immoral things to do it. But if you would just look around, you would see that everything you desire can be yours if you slow down and understand that you have all the resources around you to achieve it honorably and with the help of others. Any momentum a person gains dishonestly and by burning other is bound to come back to bite them. I want my "mark" to be something that future generations can look back on and be proud of. I don't want to stand for something that is fake. I want to stand out because I was a leader who helped develop other leaders and created something incredible and I did it honestly. 

No matter what, I will be satisfied with the knowledge that I did something I was passionate about. I don't want to live a life where I am always waiting for the weekend to start. We're only given so long to live. Do you really have time for that?

These photos are from May of 2012 when I was nominated and won the Leaders of Tomorrow Award through the City of Medicine Hat. It was an honor to have this kind of recognition at such a young age (with Sheila Donner, and my parents Dione and Shane Todd).

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