18 February 2016

{feeling the magic}

This is going to sound a little contradictory, considering that I have a blog where I write about some of my deepest thoughts. My lack of posts lately has had very little to do with a lack of thinking or topics to share. In fact, life lately has been filled with more wonder and information than ever before. 

When you leave some things up to imagination, the meaning of these things becomes more special. Some things really are better left unsaid, and not because they are less important. In fact, there are some things in life that we hold so dear that telling the world would take away the beauty of it. 

All too often we are focused on seeking affirmation from others about what we do. Posting online about our lives, we seek gratification and acceptance from our peers. 

Yet some moments aren't meant to be shared. 

Sometimes we must put down our phones, tuck away our headphones, and miss the photo opportunity. There is a sort of magic that happens in some moments that can't be recorded anyway, no matter how hard you try. 

Today when I woke up, my face was aching. My cheek muscles had a distinct soreness- the kind that is a result of too much laughter. I jumped out of bed and as I passed my mirror, I was taken back by the glow in my face. The girl who stared back at me was not the girl I remembered from months before. Something had changed. 

Someone very wise recently told me that I shouldn't think too much, and that the best way to live was to live in the moment. This simple advice was enough to spark a deeper sort of inspiration within me. 

Learn to trust yourself and to trust your heart. It might seem nice to have affirmation from others, but it's even nicer to have affirmation from yourself. Nothing is for certain, and few things last a lifetime. Over time, you will begin to feel your memories slipping out of reach. Words and pictures will seem like a blur. 

Yet the feeling you get in your tummy when your best friend makes you laugh so hard that you fall off your chair doesn't fade. 

The tightness in your chest when you tell someone how much they mean to you doesn't fade. 

The joy you feel in your heart when someone does something kind for you doesn't fade. 

Not every moment in our lives can be enjoyed equally but every moment should be felt. Your life will start to transform before your eyes when you start making the most of moments unfolding before you. Remember the feelings in those moments- but don't try to bottle it up. After all, some kinds of magic cannot be contained. 

- Kel

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